Date Shark (the Date Shark series)
by DelSheree Gladden
Blog Tour July 13th-19th
Publisher: Limitless Publishing
When it comes to choosing between passion and
some lines should be crossed.

She’s not sure what ever possessed her to add revamping her dating life to her already hectic schedule. Calling in renowned Date Shark, Eli Walsh seemed like a good idea until she actually met with him…
Date Shark was only meant to be a side-enterprise to his thriving couple’s therapy practice, but Eli Walsh knows it’s become more of an obsession.
At least, it was until he agreed to take on Leila. Somehow she has stolen his entire focus. He wants to admit his fascination with her and growing romantic interest, but he knows coming on too strong will scare her away.
His plan to convince her that she is worth any man’s interest by first being her friend is challenged when his tips start to pay off and Leila begins dating Luke.
Will his friendship with Leila mean the end to any romantic pursuit?
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“Did you know you’re missing a button?” Eli
Leila’s hand clutched at her shirt, praying she
wasn’t letting too much cleavage show. She had completely forgotten about the
button. “One of the models tore it off … she tripped and … oh, never mind.” She
sucked in a lungful of air and braved looking up at Luke again. “Did you need
something? You said you came back here to find me.”
Leila’s change in topics prompted Luke to take a step
back and let her start breathing normally again.
“I wanted to talk to you about doing
some shoots for Ana’s website. She said you were looking for a new
“Yeah, our old one moved to L.A. a few weeks ago.
Don’t you already have a job, though?”
Luke shrugged. “Newspapers are a dying breed.
They don’t pay as great as people
think. I’m always looking for some side work.”
“Great,” Leila said, glad this wouldn’t be the last
time she saw Luke. “Why don’t you call me this week and we can set up a time
for you to bring your portfolio by. Ana will want to see it as well. Do you
still have my work number?”
“I do.”
“Good. This week should be a lot calmer now that the
show is over. Give me a call when you have some time off from the paper.” He
may be looking for side work, but Leila did remember briefly checking out his
credentials after they spoke. Bachelor’s in photography, working on a Master’s,
he had been at the Tribune since his freshman year in college and had gotten
considerable acclaim in his nine years with them. It would be fantastic to have
someone with so much experience shooting for them.
Leila moved away, her brain already jumping ahead to
everything she already had scheduled for the coming week. Mentally she was
already halfway through her appointments when Luke grabbed her arm gently and
prevented her from getting any farther away from him. Leila looked at him
“Is that the only reason I can call you, to set up an
A dozen different thoughts ran through Leila’s head
in that moment. Eli’s advice was by far the most dominant. Luke passed his
checklist, and she did want to see him again, but should she say yes if he
asked her out? What about hard to get? Leila decided to save that decision for
later, maybe after she had been able to talk to Eli about it. First he just
wanted to know if he could call her.
“If you think of another reason to call me besides your portfolio, I
don’t think I’d be against that,” she said
DelSheree Gladden was one of those shy, quiet kids who spent more time reading than talking. Literally. She didn’t speak a single word for the first three months of preschool, but she had already taught herself to read. Her fascination with reading led to many hours spent in the library and bookstores, and eventually to writing. She wrote her first novel when she was sixteen years old, but spent ten years rewriting and perfecting it before having it published.
Native to New Mexico, DelSheree and her husband spent several years in Colorado for college and work before moving back home to be near family again. Their two children love having their seventeen cousins close by. When not writing, you can find DelSheree reading, painting, sewing and trying not to get bitten by small children in her work as a dental hygienist.
Thank you so much for sharing Date Shark with your readers!!