Writing or Marketing ~ Clarissa Wild's Blog

Erotic Romance writer Clarissa Wild shares her titillating stories and thoughts!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Writing or Marketing

So the last few days I've been super busy trying to get these books off the ground. I've been contacting a few reviewers, posting away on Goodreads, and other websites, trying to snag people to read it.
Marketing is hard work! Since publication (which was 07-07-2013), I've had 290 downloads of book 1, and still only one person bought book 2. However, I'm hoping that, when the reviews are in, book 2 will run better.

I'm still having a hard time balancing between writing and marketing though, because I find myself wanting to sell my books, yet I do need to keep on writing. Sometimes I think 'what's the use? If people aren't going to read it, why bother?' Because the lack of people reading book 2 is discouraging.
Then again, I shouldn't be too hasty to draw my conclusions. I should wait a while before I say 'it's not working'. People always say, "just keep on writing, it'll eventually work out", but I have no idea how. Almost a week has passed and I've yet to see anyone looking at the Kindle book (the one on Amazon).

I wonder what I can do to improve my visibility? I feel like I'm swamped in the midst of all those other erotic romance novels and it makes it impossible for others (like me) to break through. If anyone has any tips for that matter, they're more than welcome!

Anyway, guess that's it for today ;)



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